Ubuntu 14.04: Your toolbar is gone
You boot up your laptop, login, and then: poof, your toolbars are gone. This is annoying, and the advice you find online is quite erratic.
This has worked for you in the past:
- Go into the tty using Ctrl+Alt(+Fn)+F1.
- Login.
- Start a terminal on the graphical interface:
$ DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal
. - Go back to the graphical interface with Alt(+Fn)+F7.
- In the terminal, type
$ dconf reset -f /org/compiz
. - Then, type
setsid unity
. - Finally, type
unity --reset-icons
You’re done. Feel free to reboot and verify that it still works.
If this doesn’t work, do the following:
- Go into the tty using Ctrl+Alt(+Fn)+F1.
- Login.
- Remove the compiz config:
$rm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/*
- Reboot.